Category of Personal Information Collected by Popsi Kits LLC Category of Third Parties Information is Disclosed to for a Business Purpose Category of Third Parties Personal Information To Whom Personal Information is Sold and/or Shared
A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers.
Advertising networks

Service providers
Advertising partners
Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, or any other financial information. Personal Information does not include publicly available information that is lawfully made available to the general public from federal, state, or local government records. Note: Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.
For job candidates only:
Service providers
Not Applicable
Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information).
For job candidates only:
Service providers
Not Applicable
Commercial information
Records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
Service providers

Advertising networks
Advertising partners
Internet or other electronic network activity
Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer's interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement.
Service providers

Advertising networks
Advertising partners
Geolocation data
Physical location.
Service providers Not Applicable
Professional or employment-related information
Current or past job history.
For job candidates only:
Service providers
Not Applicable
Inferences drawn from other personal information to create a profile about a consumer
Profile reflecting a consumer's preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.
Advertising partners

Service providers
Advertising partners
Personal information that reveals a consumer’s social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number Not Applicable Not Applicable
Personal information that reveals a consumer’s account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account Not Applicable Not Applicable
Personal information that reveals a consumer’s precise geolocation Not Applicable Not Applicable
Personal information that reveals a consumer’s racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership Not Applicable Not Applicable
Personal information that reveals the contents of a consumer’s mail, email, and text messages unless Popsi Kits is the intended recipient of the communication Not Applicable Not Applicable
Personal information that reveals consumer’s genetic data Not Applicable Not Applicable
Biometric information that is processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying a consumer Not Applicable Not Applicable
Personal information collected and analyzed concerning a consumer’s health Not Applicable Not Applicable
Personal information collected and analyzed concerning a consumer’s sex life or sexual orientation Not Applicable Not Applicable

California Privacy Notice

This California Privacy Notice for California Residents supplements our Privacy Notice and only applies to our processing of personal information that is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (as amended from time to time) (“CCPA”). The CCPA provides California residents with the right to know what categories of personal information Popsi Kits LLC (“Popsi Kits,”, “we”, “us”, “our”) has collected about them, whether we disclosed that personal information for a business purpose (e.g., to a service provider), whether Popsi Kits “sold” that personal information, and whether Popsi Kits “shared” that personal information for “cross-context behavioral advertising”, in the preceding 12 months. California residents can find this information below.

The categories of sources from which we collect personal information and our business and commercial purposes for using personal information are set forth in the "Information We Collect," "Use of Information," and "Information Sharing and Disclosure" sections of our Privacy Notice. We will retain personal information in accordance with the time periods set forth in the “Retention of Data” of our Privacy Notice.

Additional Privacy Rights for California Residents

Opting out of “Sales” of Personal Information and/or of “Sharing” Personal Information for Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising under the CCPA. For purposes of the CCPA, Popsi Kits does not knowingly sell or share (for cross-context behavioral advertising) the personal information of consumers under 16 years of age. California residents have the right to opt out of the “sale” of personal information and the “sharing” of personal information for “cross-context behavioral advertising”. California residents may exercise their rights by contacting us at

Disclosure Regarding Opt-Out Preference Signals.

Disclosure Regarding Sensitive Personal Information. Popsi Kits only uses and discloses sensitive personal information for the following purposes:

  • To perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an average consumer who requests those goods or services

  • To prevent, detect, and investigate security incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity, and or confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal information.

  • To resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at Popsi Kits and to prosecute those responsible for those actions.

  • To ensure the physical safety of natural persons.

  • To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a product, service, or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by Popsi Kits, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured by, manufactured for, or controlled by Popsi Kits.

  • For purposes that do not infer characteristics about individuals.

Non-Discrimination. California residents have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of their rights conferred by the CCPA.

Authorized Agent. Only you, or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child. To designate an authorized agent, please contact us as set forth in “Contact Us” below and provide written authorization signed by you and your designated agent and ask us for additional instructions.

Verification. To protect your privacy, we will take the following steps to verify your identity before fulfilling your request submitted under the CCPA. When you make a request, we will ask you to provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information or an authorized representative. Examples of our verification process may include asking you to provide the email address and/or phone number we have associated with you or filling out a form to verify your email address.

De-Identified Information. If we create or receive de-identified information, we will not attempt to reidentify such information, except to comply with applicable law.

California Shine the Light. The California “Shine the Light” law permits users who are California residents to request and obtain from us once a year, free of charge, a list of the third parties to whom we have disclosed their personal information (if any) for their direct marketing purposes in the prior calendar year, as well as the type of personal information disclosed to those parties.